Governance and Charity Advice

The independent examination of charity accounts - what is it and what to look for in an Independent Examiner
Charity trustees have a responsibility to ensure that the Independent Examiner they appoint has the required skills and experience to carry out an independent examination of their charity.
The role of the treasurer and preparing an annual budget
This tutorial video will help you to understand the key duties of the treasurer and their role on the board. It also outlines how to prepare an annual budget.
Basic finance tutorial videos
NICVA has developed a series of tutorial videos to help treasurers and trustees of small to medium sized voluntary led organisations understand the basics of financial record keeping and good financial governance.
How to prepare annual accounts (R&P)
This tutorial video will help you to understand how to prepare your annual accounts on the receipts and payments basis.
How to keep books of account
This tutorial video will help you to understand the basic rules and principles for good financial management in your organisation.
Code of Good Governance 3rd Edition
The 3rd Edition of the Code of Good Governance for voluntary and community organisations in Northern Ireland was launched in Trustees' Week by the Charity Commission on behalf of the Developing Governance Group.
Reserves policy guidance
A reserves policy helps trustees to justify holding appropriate levels of financial reserves to protect against future uncertainties. It is something which various stakeholders may be interested in viewing from time to time.
Developing a governance planning framework
Creating a governance calendar is a very practical and effective way for organisations to develop their own planning framework to help them identify their key governance events and requirements throughout the course of a year.
Useful legislation and governance links
Links to public bodies, legislation and online resources dealing with relevant regulations and governance.
Charity Trustees’ Duties
This article outlines what a charity trustee is and what they are responsible for.
Committee Procedures
This guidance is designed to help committees of small voluntary and community groups understand their basic responsibilities. It describes procedures which can help committees to prevent problems occurring.
Charitable Status
This article will answer the key question - how do I get charitable status for my organisation?
Accounting regulations for charities
This article gives advice on the new accounting requirements for charities in Northern Ireland.
This is a general guide to insurance. It uses detailed explanations to highlight different types of insurance policies and includes real life examples to give an overview of all policies. There is also information on risk assessment.
Legal Structures for Voluntary and Community Groups
This guidance identifies the different kinds of legal structures that exist and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Winding Up and Dissolving an Organisation
This article gives you advice on how to wind up or dissolve an organisation.
Conflicts of Interest
This guide will help organisations identify how to avoid conflicts of interest and how to act appropriately if one does develop. It sets out the legal background and has a sample conflict of interest policy and a sample declaration of interest form.
This advice will help your committee/board when they are thinking about running a lottery, and will help it adhere to Principle 3 of the Code of Good Governance.
Setting up an Association
This article summarises how to set up an unincorporated association.
Collections for Charities and Donors
This article outlines the different types of collections charities can undertake, the legal requirements, good practice procedures for collections, and some guidelines for individuals who wish to donate to good causes.
Running a Charitable Company
This article provides a general guide on the administration requirements that charities and other not for profit organisations which are incorporated as companies limited by guarantee must adhere to.
Setting up a Charitable Company
This article provides general guidelines to assist Northern Ireland based voluntary organisations which are considering incorporating as a company limited by guarantee.
Risk Assessment
This article provides clear, concise information and a straightforward guide to risk assessment. It will help your committee/board to adhere to Principle 4 of the Code of Good Governance: Exercising appropriate control.
Voluntary and community groups may want or need to establish sub-committees to tackle specific projects or investigate new areas of work. Using sub-committees allows more time to focus on specific issues and involve expertise from outside the committee.