Action Mental Health

Action Mental Health

To help people in NI with a learning disability or mental health need to lead a more independent lifestyle.

AMH offers seven services across fifteen locations and helps over 1,700 people each year our aim is to enhance development and create opportunities through training and skills enhancement that will improve prospects of accessing employment or engaging in other forms of meaningful activity in the community.

Mental illness in Northern Ireland

  • One in five adults in Northern Ireland will show signs of a mental illness
  • When matched to 17 other countries, NI had the 2nd highest rates of mental ill-health
  • Prevalence of mental illness in Northern Ireland is 25% higher than in England


AMH has grown to deliver services and projects across the country for all members of our communities.

  • Our health promotion work takes place in schools, cross-border counties and with local employers.
  • Our employment services assist people to remain in work as well as providing skills and sourcing opportunities for those who want to re-enter the workforce.
  • We have specific projects for young people, older people, people living with alcohol abuse, employees, employers, people managing long-term conditions, partnership work with other mental health and disability charities as well as working within our prisons.
  • We provide our clients with many opportunities, encouraging them to adopt healthier lifestyles and to widen their social networks. We also provide them with the skills to build a better future, set personal goals, develop coping skills, re-engage with society and become more employable.

Contact Details

NICVA will not disclose any contact details further to those published by the organisation below.


Central Office
27 Jubilee Road
Co Down
BT23 4YH
United Kingdom


028 9182 8494


Social Media

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