Examples of Offences Which Can Lead to Summary Dismissal or Suspension Followed by Dismissal

This article outlines examples of offences that may lead to suspension or dismissal for NICVA employees.

Examples of those breaches of discipline which could lead to summary dismissal or which warrant suspension which after investigation may lead to dismissal are as follows:

  • Words, gestures or actions contravening the principles set out in NICVA’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
  • Harassment of any colleague, member of or visitor to NICVA which causes the individual to feel threatened, humiliated,  patronised or which interferes with the individual’s job performance, undermines job security or creates a threatening or intimidating work environment (see NICVA's Harassment Policy).
  • Intimidatory remarks, gestures or actions likely to cause distress or offence to colleagues, members of or visitors to NICVA on account of their sectarian nature (see NICVA's Harassment Policy).
  • Malicious mischief resulting in danger to fellow employees or other persons on NICVA premises in contravention of NICVA’s Health and Safety Policy.
  • In the course of employment, inflicting bodily injury on another person.
  • Failing to account for money or other property received on behalf of NICVA.
  • Stealing from NICVA, or a client of NICVA, while on NICVA premises or engaged elsewhere on NICVA business.
  • The fraudulent obtaining of money or other property from NICVA or members/users of NICVA.
  • Committing a criminal offence other than one which has clearly no bearing on the staff member’s suitability for employment.
  • Repeated acts of misconduct (see Examples of Offences Attracting Disciplinary Action).
  • Improperly removing a document from NICVA’s custody, or knowingly altering, destroying or mutilating such a document or resource.
  • Misrepresenting work history, details of experience, education, qualifications, capabilities or performance when being considered for engagement or promotion.
  • Disclosing to any person other than one specifically authorised or known to be entitled to be entrusted with it, information about NICVA or its work which is known by the member of staff to be confidential.
  • Failing to comply with the provisions of any statutory notice served on NICVA and notified to staff.
We share NICVA’s policies to assist organisations in drafting their own. However, our policies are relevant to NICVA and are not samples. They should not be replicated, but may be used for reference purposes, in conjunction with other guidance available. NICVA cannot accept any claims arising from error or misinterpretation.

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