The Impact of Recession on the Sector (2009)

This research provides a snapshot of the emerging impacts of the recession on the voluntary and community sector.

The survey was circulated in September 2009 by email to chief executives in a range of voluntary and community organisations. 61 organisations responded to the survey.

Key findings include:

  • Just over half of respondents stated that the recession has yet to have an impact on their funding streams.
  • Nearly three quarters of respondents are unsure of the impact the recession will have on sectoral funding in the future.
  • An overwhelming majority of respondents believe that the demand for services has increased as a result of the recession.
  • 71.4% of organisations have had no additional financial support from their funders to increase their capacity to deal with additional demand on services.
  • 13.1% of organisations have had to initiate staff redundancies. 21.4% believe they may have to enforce this.
  • 20.2% of organisations stated that they have introduced or will soon have to introduce a wage freeze.

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