Membership of Boards or Committees

This article outlines NICVA's policy on staff members sitting on the board or committee of another organisation.

Membership of boards or committees

There may be occasions when NICVA staff are requested to participate as a member of a board or committee on behalf of the organisation. Such representation must have prior approval of the Chief Executive or where appropriate the Executive Committee. Out of pocket expenses may be claimed directly from the board or body and in this case no expenses claim should be submitted to NICVA. Any other financial contribution or emolument associated with the above is the property of NICVA.  Any member of staff wishing to participate as a board or committee member in a personal capacity may do so with prior approval from the Chief Executive or in the case of the Chief Executive, the Chair of NICVA. This must be conducted during the employee’s own time and any financial contribution may be accepted by the employee.

We share NICVA’s policies to assist organisations in drafting their own. However, our policies are relevant to NICVA and are not samples. They should not be replicated, but may be used for reference purposes, in conjunction with other guidance available. NICVA cannot accept any claims arising from error or misinterpretation.

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