
Latest Resources

Data Protection Toolkit - Write a Privacy Notice

By NICVA 14 May 2018 Bob Harper

Privacy notices help the people who you process personal data about understand why and what you do with their information. The GDPR specifies what must be included and how they should be written.

Data Protection Toolkit - Templates and Guidance

By NICVA 14 May 2018 Bob Harper

Our guidance addresses some common themes for data protection in the voluntary and community sector. We've created some templates as a starting point for you to work with.

Data Protection Toolkit - Document your processing activities

By NICVA 13 May 2018 Bob Harper

It is a legal requirement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to keep a clear record of your processing activities. This resource explains what to do and provides templates for you to get started.

Data Protection Toolkit - Frequently Asked Questions

By NICVA 9 May 2018 Bob Harper

A number of common scenarios and questions that we have received on GDPR and data protection.

Data Protection Toolkit - Further Guidance

By NICVA 8 May 2018 Bob Harper

More resources on GDPR and data protection, including sub-sector specific information.

Data Protection Toolkit - Legitimate Interests Assessment & Template

By NICVA 8 May 2018 Bob Harper

Legitimate interests is one of six lawful basis set out in the GDPR to justify the processing of personal data (data relating to an individual from which that individual can be identified).

Data Protection Toolkit - Getting Started

By NICVA 26 Apr 2018 Bob Harper

Your first steps to understanding and complying with data protection laws. This guide focuses on what you need to know and focus on now, with signposting to more practical advice and resources.

Data Protection Toolkit - Glossary

By NICVA 25 Apr 2018 Bob Harper

A GDPR jargon-buster that covers the key topics in data protection.

Cyber Security: Small Charity Guide

By NICVA 28 Feb 2018 Stephen Gray

Protect your organisation from the most common threats by following the National Cyber Security Centre's guide for small charities.

Guest post: Tapping into Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

By NICVA 29 Jan 2018 Sam Evans

Sam Evans has been involved in CSR for over 8 years, both as a CSR advisor for an International law firm and as a Corporate Fundraiser. As both a "poacher and gamekeeper", he shares his unique insights into Community Needs and Corporate Philanthropy.

NICVA position paper and recommendations for the Brexit negotiations

By NICVA 8 Dec 2017 Geoff Nuttall

With the Brexit negotiations at a critical phase, this paper highlights what NICVA sees, having engaged widely with the voluntary and community sector and others, as the key issues which must be addressed.

NICVA Public Perception Survey – Identifies high levels of public usage and trust in community & voluntary sector

By NICVA 7 Dec 2017 Simon Beattie

New research published by the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action (NICVA) has revealed both high levels of public usage and trust in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Northern Ireland.

Affordable Alternatives to High Cost Credit in Northern Ireland

By NICVA 29 Sep 2017 Geoff Nuttall

In 2013, amidst growing concern about high cost credit and illegal lending, NICVA commissioned POLICIS and Liverpool John Moores University to explore options for an alternative affordable credit model. This report contains the results of their research.

NICVA summary briefing on UK Government Brexit paper on Northern Ireland & Ireland

By NICVA 18 Aug 2017 Geoff Nuttall

This briefing summarises the key proposals made in the UK Government's Brexit position paper on Northern Ireland and Ireland released on 16th August. The briefing also highlights issues around which NICVA intends to develop its response.

Briefing on Great Repeal (EU Withdrawal) Bill

By NICVA 25 Jul 2017 Geoff Nuttall

Useful briefing by the Legal Education Foundation on the Great Repeal/EU Withdrawal Bill designed to convert all pre-Brexit EU legislation in UK law, including commentary on key issues raised

Government Financial Support to Business in Northern Ireland - An Analysis

By NICVA 16 Jun 2017 Geoff Nuttall

Government support for the private sector in Northern Ireland is an important part of its economic strategy. This report considers how this support impacts on people on low incomes.

Recognising your volunteers

By NICVA 24 May 2017 Sandra Bailie

It is vitally important that we recognise all the work that volunteers do – they are often the “life-blood” in our organisations. In the same way as donors give of their money, volunteers give of their time and we want to thank them for all that they do.

Research Bank

By NICVA 13 Dec 2016 Rachel Shannon

A library of research publications and resources about the Voluntary and Community sector. This page will be updated with new research on a regular basis. Please contact Rachel Shannon if you would like a research publication added to the bank.

People with significant control register - PSC Register

By NICVA 4 Jul 2016 Denise Copeland

From 6 April 2016 companies, including not for profit companies, are legally required to keep a register of individuals or legal entities that have control over them, known as ‘people with significant control (PSC)’ and ‘relevant legal entities (RLEs)’

Public Procurement Practice in Northern Ireland

By NICVA 27 Jun 2016 Michael McGilligan

This research empirically tests some of the concerns that have been expressed in relation to contemporary procurement practice in Northern Ireland.

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