Whole of Government Approaches

What is a ‘whole of government’ approach and how does it encourage collaboration between the third and public sectors?

On 11 November 2015 CollaborationNI held a seminar on the "Whole of Government Approaches". This looked at the movement from isolated silos in public administration to formal and informal networks is a global trend driven by various societal forces such as the growing complexity of problems that call for collaborative responses, the increased demand on the part of citizens for more personalized and accessible public services, which are to be planned, implemented and evaluated with their participation.

We have now published our report on the findings from this seminar which saw contributions on the day from Stephen Agnew MLA and Majella McCloskey.  Have a read!

CollaborationNI was commissioned and financed by the Building Change Trust and is delivered in partnership by NICVA, CO3 and Stellar Leadership.
For further information please see www.collaborationni.org

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