Womens Resource & Development Agency

Womens Resource & Development Agency

WRDA's mission as a regional organisation is to advance women's equality and participation in society by working to transform political, economic, social and cultural conditions.

WRDA is a membership organisation. We exist for the benefit of our members, representing their interests and informing them of the latest issues affecting the women’s sector. We ensure that our members have a meaningful say in our work through contributing to our policy submissions and attending our events. Additional benefits of membership include the opportunity to promote news and events through WRDA and an invitation to our Annual General Meeting.


Information and Resources
We act as an information hub for the women’s sector, while also striving to raise the profile of women’s issues in the wider media. Through our communication channels, we publicise the latest news, funding opportunities, events and research of interest to women.

Providing training for women is a central pillar of WRDA’s work. We believe education is a major factor in addressing the marginalisation of women. Our courses cover a wide range of areas, including, but not limited to breast, cervical and bowel screening awareness; heart health; emotional well-being; grassroots lobbying; and money management, with the overall aim to empower women and increase their knowledge and skills.

Policy and Lobbying
WRDA carries out regular policy work and lobbies decision makers on behalf of women. We work to enhance how the women’s sector and women on the ground are communicating with all levels of government, ensuring women have their rightful say in the policies affecting them.

Opening hours

Mon-Thurs: 09:00–17:00
Fri: 09:00–16:00

Contact Details

NICVA will not disclose any contact details further to those published by the organisation below.


Womens Resource & Development Agency
6 Mount Charles
Co Antrim
United Kingdom


028 9023 0212


Social Media